Workstation Ergonomics – How is your workstation set up?

With working from home becoming more common since the Covid19 pandemic, it’s important to
remember, that your workstation set up at home should be as ergonomic as your workstation in
the office.

When working from home on a temporary or ad hoc basis, it can be easy to forget ergonomics
are important to your health and being able to work for longer stints comfortably and to avoid

Things to remember when setting up your workstation, is to make sure your:

1. Desk measures the standard desk measurements, which should be when sitting fixed to
the ground between 680-720mm high with a depth of 800mm. If you are using a height
adjustable desk, then your desk should be when sitting fixed to the ground up to
2. Monitor is set up directly in front of you and your neck is not bent. If you have to raise the
height of your monitor do so by adjusting the monitor stand or if not possible, then use a
small stand or handbook to raise the monitor from desk level;
3. Dual monitors are equally positioned in front of you and at the same level;
4. Chair is easily adjustable, so your spine is straight and not twisted;
5. Keyboard and mouse are on a flat surface, directly in front of you about 10 – 15cm from
the edge of the desk;
6. Try using wireless headsets and earphones, as they allow you to work on your computer
during phone calls;
7. Use a document holder, if you do a lot of tasks involved with reading from hard copy
8. Your shoulders are relaxed;
9. Your back and arms are supported;
10. Your thighs are horizontal; and
11. Your feet are flat to the floor. Alternatively, a footrest can be used, if you can’t get your
feet to sit flat comfortably on the floor.

If you have pain or a medical condition, when setting at your desk, and you have done all you
can to set up an ergonomic workstation to the best of your ability. Then get your employer to
arrange an ergonomic assessment by a provider who can assist with your specific requirements.

Check out the Work Safe Queensland – ‘Computer Workstation Checklist’ on their website at
Working in the office — computer workstation checklist (

Written by Tully Law
Published on Thursday September 14, 2023